
Shoulder Pain: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Shoulder pain is a bothersome health issue that can significantly impact movement and limit daily activities. What are the possible causes of this pain, and how can it be managed?

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Dr. Bastian Markvass, a German orthopedic doctor, explains that shoulder pain can stem from several factors, with one of the most common being muscle strain due to incorrect posture while sitting for long hours in front of a computer.

Calcium Deposits

Dr. Markvass also points out that calcium deposits in the shoulder tendons may contribute to the pain. These deposits can result from several factors, including circulation disorders, smoking, minor injuries, and aging.

Joint Degeneration

Additionally, shoulder pain can arise from joint degeneration, especially due to aging or injuries such as bone fractures.

When to See a Doctor?

Dr. Markvass emphasizes the importance of consulting a doctor if shoulder pain persists for more than two to four weeks, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling or fever.

Prevention of Shoulder Pain

To prevent shoulder pain, Dr. Markvass recommends regular exercise, focusing on activities beneficial for the shoulder, such as swimming, cycling, walking, and running. It is best to avoid strenuous activities that target the upper body, such as tennis and weightlifting.

Maintaining a proper sitting posture while working on a computer is also essential, along with changing your sitting position and standing up occasionally to avoid continuous pressure on the shoulder area.

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