Ghazouani expresses his regret over the interruption of water and electricity services in Nouadhibou and declares his commitment to building the road

President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, President of the Republic of Mauritania, expressed his regret for the continued discussion about issues of water and electricity shortages in the city of Nouadhibou, affirming his commitment to work on providing these services as soon as possible.
His Excellency’s statements came during his meeting with officials from the region of Dakhlet Nouadhibou, on Sunday/Monday night, as part of his tour in the region.
Regarding a question about the condition of the road between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, President Ghazouani indicated that work is ongoing to develop it well.
He also praised the importance of the free zone in Nouadhibou as a major development project, expressing his desire to provide basic services to attract investors to it, despite some criticisms directed towards it.
He emphasized his determination to make the region of Dakhlet Nouadhibou a leading center for development in the area, and praised the prominent contribution made by the city in the cultural, political, and economic aspects of Mauritania throughout its history.
He further explained that holding the Cabinet meeting in Nouadhibou on Monday aims to enhance local economic development by discussing key developmental issues linked to the fundamental economic advantages of the region, with the goal of promoting balanced development at both the national and regional levels, and improving local development.