
Germany intends to impose strict rules on the sale of laughing gas

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach intends to impose stricter regulations to limit the sale of nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, particularly among young people. While this substance is used in medicine as an anesthetic and pain reliever, it has become a popular recreational drug, especially among youth in Germany, without specific legal restrictions on its sale and consumption.

In statements to the German media network “ARD” on Friday, Lauterbach emphasized the need for swift action, including potentially categorizing nitrous oxide as a psychoactive substance, which would entail stringent rules regarding its sale and use. Despite its industrial uses, the government is moving swiftly to regulate it.

Lauterbach advised parents to educate their children about the dangers of its use, noting that the common belief that it is harmless and enjoyable is inaccurate. He stressed that regular use can lead to accidents, neurological damage, and even permanent harm.

Volker Limroth, Head of Neurologists at “Köln-Merheim” Hospital, also called for strict restrictions to control the availability of nitrous oxide, noting its easy access and affordability, even being sold near schools.

Finally, the German Neurology Association recently warned of the risks associated with recreational use of nitrous oxide, citing its increasing popularity among teenagers and young adults, and urged for stringent measures to curb this trend.

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